Xverify's API's
The following API's vary in which services they support, the quantity of records they can be queried with and how they return results.
- Email Verification API - Verify whether a single email address is valid or not.
- Phone Verification API - Verify whether a single phone number is valid or not.
- Address Verification API - Verify whether a single postal address is valid or not.
- Combined API Call - Verify an email, phone and postal in a single API call.
Try them now by registering now.
Example Email Verification API Request Code
GET ""
Replace 1011111-B6DBE13C with your actual API key and with the value of the domain you've registered with Xverify.
To obtain a Xverify API key, first register here.
To find your API key, click the Implementation tab in the left column. Your key will be in the API IMPLEMENTATION section, and will look like:
Your API key: 10155098-A9876452D
Please keep your key safe and secret so it is not abused.
Email Verification - Introduction
Xverify's specializes in email address verification. We can help you filter out invalid and fraudulent email addresses which results in higher open rates, clicks and conversions.
Email Verification API Endpoint
Email Verification Endpoint
The endpoint to verify a single email address is in the right column.
Email Query Parameters
The query parameters for Email Verification are shown in the table below.
Parameter | Required | Description |
yes | The email address to be validated (and optionally corrected). The address should be URL encoded as needed. | |
domain | yes | The domain you have configured in your Xverify settings under which this query should be processed. See below. |
api_key | yes | Your Xverify API key. |
ip | no | IP address from which a user submitted an email address. Can be used to detect fraudulent or risky submissions. |
ua | no | User Agent of the browser that submitted the email address. Can be used to detect fraudlent or risky data. The value must be URL encoded. |
aff | no | The ID you define to identify the affiliate or source of the email for reporting or potential blocking. |
subaff | no | The sub-identifier you define for the affiliate or source of the email for reporting or potential blocking. |
Email Verification Sample Query,
Replace 1011111-B6DBE13C with your API key and with the name of the domain you've registered with Xverify.
An Email Verification example query is in the right column.
Email Response Overview
"status": "invalid",
"reason": "invalid_domain",
"email": "bill.smith@xverify.comm",
"domain_type": null,
"role_account": false,
"correction": "",
"duration": 0.2
The API response for Email Verification requests will be in JSON format as showin in the example in the right column.
The response will contain the following fields:
Field | Description |
status | A string describing the category of the email verification result. See our full List of Values. |
reason | A short string that describes the specific reason for the "status" categorization. Refer to Email Verification Reasons for a full list of reaons and their descriptions. |
Contains the email address you queried with in a standardized format. | |
domain_type | Indicates the type of the domain including, “disposable”, “freeisp”, etc. Refer to Domain Types for a full list of domains and their descriptions. |
role_account | Will have a true value if the email address is identified as the role related email account. A role account is an email address for a business job role or a group of people in a company such as sales, info, support, marketing or customer service (e.g. Because role accounts are not intended for a single person, commercial emails are usually flagged as spam. For improved deliverability, we recommend only sending transactional emails to role accounts. |
correction | If the input address is invalid and has a reason of "invalid_syntax" due to a syntax or spelling error, we may suggest a corrected forms of the address. |
error | If there is a problem processing the request, this will contain a string that describes the error. See the list of errors. |
duration | A floating point value of the number of seconds the server took to process the request. |
Email Lists of Values
Email status
Every validation response will include one of the status
values below:
Status | Description |
valid | The email address passed all checks and is safe to mail. |
invalid | Do not mail. The email does not have proper syntax, the domain is dead or the mailbox doesn't exist. |
accept_all | The domain doesn’t support a mailbox level check. Also known as a "catch all" domain. Expect some bounces from these addresses should you choose to mail them. |
risky | The email address is valid but it may cause delivery issues (e.g. spamtrap, honeypot or complainer). If you’re having deliverability issues, don’t send email to risky addresses. |
unknown | We couldn't get a response in time. The email syntax and domain are usually valid, but we could not confirm the mailbox. Messages to these addresses may see bounces. Repeating the query later may deliver a valid/invalid status. |
Email reasons
The reason
field will always be present in the response and describes the speific reason for the verification status. In the table below is our full list of email verification reasons, which status
value it corresponds to and their descriptions.
Status | Reason | Description |
valid | verified | Valid email address. |
invalid | invalid_syntax | Syntax or spelling error. |
invalid | invalid_domain | Domain does not exist or does not accept email. |
invalid | mailbox_full | Mailbox is over quota and is currently rejecting email. |
invalid | invalid_mailbox | Mailbox doesn't exist. |
accept_all | unverifiable | Domain is a catch all and does not support validation. |
risky | high_risk | Address is a spamtrap, a known complainer or is suppressed. |
risky | complainer | Address has complained about receiving commercial email. |
risky | fraud | Address was used in a fraudulent transaction, e.g. credit card fraud. |
risky | block_affiliate | The affiliate submitting data is blocked in your user settings. |
risky | block_by_user | This address is blocked in your user settings. |
risky | block_country | The request included an IP address parameter, and the IP is from a country that is blocked in your user settings. |
unknown | no_result | A conclusive result could not be determined. |
Domain types
The domain_type
field will be not-null if the type of domain has been categorized. The table below shows the full list of domain types and their descriptions.
Domain_type | Description |
disposable | Disposable domain. |
biz | The domain of a company. |
edu | An educational institution. |
freeisp | Free ISP (internet service provider). |
gov | A government institution. |
org | A non-profit organization. |
paidisp | Paid ISP. |
wireless | Wireless domain. Do not send unsolicited emails. |
Error values
The error
field will be populated if there is an error processing the request. These are string representations of the HTTP error codes below. Possible values are:
Error | Description |
invalid_api_key | The api_key provided is invalid. |
inactive_service | Your api_key is not enabled for the service you are trying to use. For example, calling the address verification service when you are only setup for email verification. |
missing_param | A required parameter is missing from your request. |
limit_exceeded | Your API limit is exceeded. Please add funds or contact your account representative. |
HTTP Status Codes
Xverify uses HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Codes in the 2##
rage indicate success, and any other values indicate an error. If there is an error, the body of the resposne will indicate the type of error. The API may return the following HTTP Status Codes in the table below.
Code | Description |
200 | Request OK. |
400 | Bad request. A parameter was missing or has an invalid value. |
401 | Unauthorized. Either the api_key was missing or invalid, or you are trying to use a service you are not configured for. |
403 | Forbidden. Your query limit has been exceeded. |
500 | Internal server error. Please contact support. |
502 | Bad gateway. The API is not available. Please try again later or contact support. |
Phone Verification - Introduction
Xverify will stop bad phone numbers and provide details on working phones.
Phone Verification API Endpoint
Phone Verification Endpoint
The endpoint to verify a single phone number is in the right column.
Phone Query Parameters
The query parameters for Phone Verification are shown in the table below.
Parameter | Required | Description |
phone | yes | The phone number to be verified. The number should be URL encoded as needed. |
domain | yes | The domain you have configured in your Xverify settings under which this query should be processed. See below. |
api_key | yes | Your Xverify API key. |
aff | no | The ID you define to identify the affiliate or source of the phone for reporting or potential blocking. |
subaff | no | The sub-identifier you define for the affiliate or source of the phone for reporting or potential blocking. |
Phone Verification Sample Query
Replace 1011111-B6DBE13C with your API key and with the name of the domain you've registered with Xverify.
A Phone Verification example query is in the right column.
Phone Response Overview
"phone": "6467421771",
"extension": "100",
"status": "valid",
"reason": "verified",
"phone_type": "Landline",
"use_type": "Residential",
"time_zone": "America/New_York",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US",
"latitude": 40.743801,
"longitude": -73.977699,
"error": "",
"duration": 0.0775
The API response for Phone Verification requests will be in JSON format as showin in the example in the right column.
The response will contain the following fields:
Field | Description |
status | A string describing the category of the phone verification result. See our full List of Values. |
reason | A short string that describes the specific reason for the "status" categorization. Refer to Phone Verification Reasons for a full list of reaons and their descriptions. |
phone | Contains the phone number you queried with in a standardized format, without any extension. |
extension | Contains the extension of the phone number you queried with, if there is one. |
phone_type | Indicates the type of phone number: "Landline", "Cell" or "VOIP". Refer to Phone Types for a full list of types and their descriptions. |
use_type | The principal use of the phone number: "Business", "Residential" or "Soho". |
time_zone | The tz database time zone name. See the list of time zones below. |
city | The principal city associated with the phone number. The user may not reside there. |
state | The principal state or province associated with the phone number. The user may not reside there. |
country | The country the phone number is based in: "US" for United Sates or "CA" for Canada. |
latitude | A floating point value representing the latitude of the phone number's wire center. |
longitude | A floating point value representing the longitude of the phone number's wire center. |
error | If there is a problem processing the request, this will contain a string that describes the error. See the list of errors. |
duration | A floating point value of the number of seconds the server took to process the request. |
Phone Lists of Values
Phone status
Every phone validation response will include one of the status
values below:
Status | Description |
valid | The phone number is usable. |
invalid | Do not call. The phone number is incorrect or blocked. |
Phone reasons
The reason
field will always be present in the response and describes the speific reason for the verification status. In the table below is our full list of phone verification reasons, which status
value it corresponds to and their descriptions.
Status | Reason | Description |
valid | verified | The phone is confirmed to exist in 411. |
valid | valid | The first seven digits of the phone number are a valid combination. |
invalid | syntax | The phone number does not have the correct number of digits. |
invalid | invalid | The phone number has an invalid sequence of digits. |
invalid | block_tollfree | Number is toll free and your user settings block these numbers. |
invalid | block_by_user | Phone numbers with this type are blocked by your user settings. |
invalid | block_affiliate | The affiliate submitting data is blocked in your user settings. |
Phone types
The phone_type
field describes the type of phone number.
Phone_Type | Description |
Landline | The number is used with a wired phone. |
Cell | The number is used with a wireless phone. |
VOIP | The number is used with a Voice Over IP phone. |
Use types
The use_type
field describes the how the phone is primarily used.
Phone_Type | Description |
Business | The phone is primarily used by a company or organization. |
Residential | The phone is primarily used by a residence or home. |
Soho | The phone is primarily used by a small office or home office. |
Time zones
The time_zone
field has the name of the time zone that the number is in.
This name format is commonly used within programming applications. The full list of time zones used is below.
Time_Zone | Description |
America/Moncton | Atlantic time. |
America/New_York | Eastern time. |
America/Chicago | Central time. |
America/Denver | Mountain time. |
America/Los_Angeles | Pacific time. |
America/Anchorage | Alaska time. |
Pacific/Honolulu | Hawaii time. |
Pacific/Pago_Pago | Samoa time. |
Pacific/Majuro | Marshall Island Time. |
Pacific/Guam | Guam Time. |
Pacific/Palau | Palau Time. |
Error values
The error
field will be populated if there is an error processing the request. These are string representations of the HTTP error codes below. Possible values are:
Error | Description |
invalid_api_key | The api_key provided is invalid. |
inactive_service | Your api_key is not enabled for the service you are trying to use. For example, calling the address verification service when you are only setup for email verification. |
missing_param | A required parameter is missing from your request. |
limit_exceeded | Your API limit is exceeded. Please add funds or contact your account representative. |
HTTP Status Codes
Xverify uses HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Codes in the 2##
rage indicate success, and any other values indicate an error. If there is an error, the body of the resposne will indicate the type of error. The API may return the following HTTP Status Codes in the table below.
Code | Description |
200 | Request OK. |
400 | Bad request. A parameter was missing or has an invalid value. |
401 | Unauthorized. Either the api_key was missing or invalid, or you are trying to use a service you are not configured for. |
403 | Forbidden. Your query limit has been exceeded. |
500 | Internal server error. Please contact support. |
502 | Bad gateway. The API is not available. Please try again later or contact support. |
Address Verification - Introduction
Xverify's postal address verification API identifies invalid postal addresses, standardizes valid addresses and corrects data errors in addresses. The API supports addresses from the United States and Canada.
Address Verification API Endpoint
Email Verification Endpoint
The endpoint to verify a single postal address is in the right column.
Address Query Parameters
The query parameters for Address Verification are shown in the table below.
Parameter | Required | Description |
address1 | yes | The street address to be verified. The address should be URL encoded as needed. |
address2 | no | The second line of the street address to be verified. |
city | no | The city of the address to be verified. Required if zip is not provided. |
state | no | The state of the address to be verified. Required if zip is not provided. |
zip | no | The postal code of the address to be verified. Required if city and state are not provided. |
urbanization | no | A component of certain addresses in Puerto Rico. |
parse | no | Set to a value of true if you want the street address to be parsed into individual elements in the response. |
domain | yes | The domain you have configured in your Xverify settings under which this query should be processed. See below. |
api_key | yes | Your Xverify API key. |
aff | no | The ID you define to identify the affiliate or source of the email for reporting or potential blocking. |
subaff | no | The sub-identifier you define for the affiliate or source of the email for reporting or potential blocking. |
Address Verification Sample Query
Replace 1011111-B6DBE13C with your API key and with the name of the domain you've registered with Xverify.
An Address Verification example query is in the right column.
Address Response Overview
"status": "possibly_valid",
"reason": "maildrop_or_inactive",
"address1": "33 Irving Pl Fl 3",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"zip": "10003",
"plus4": "2332",
"corrected": true,
"carrier_route": "C046",
"delivery_point": "033",
"address_type": "Highrise",
"zip_type": "Standard",
"flags": [],
"parsed_street": {
"primary_number": "33",
"street_name": "Irving",
"street_suffix": "Pl",
"secondary_name": "Fl"
"secondary_number": "3",
"country": "US",
"duration": "1.6894"
The API response for Address Verification requests will be in JSON as shown in the example in the right column.
The response will contain the following fields:
Field | Description |
status | A string describing the category of the address verification result. See our full List of Values. |
reason | A short string that describes the specific reason for the "status" categorization. Refer to Address Verification Reasons for a full list of reaons and their descriptions. |
corrected | Indicates if there was a material correction to the address, such as changing the street name, city or zip - true or false. In interactive use, you may want to confirm the corrected values with the user. |
address1 | The standardized street address. |
city | The standardized city name. |
state | The two-letter abbreviation for the U.S. state or Canadian province. |
zip | The U.S. five-digit zip code or the Canadian six-digit postal code for the address. |
plus4 | The four-digit portion of a U.S. Zip+4. |
urbanization | For certain addresses in Puerto Rico, this field will be returned with the name of the area the street is located in. See how to use it. |
country | The two-character country abbreviation - "US" for United States or "CA" for Canada. |
carrier_route | The four-character carrier route of a U.S. address. |
delivery_point | A three-digit number that is the two-digit delivery point code combined with the delivery point check digit. You can construct a complete POSTNet barcode number by concatenating the zip, plus4 and delivery_point fields. |
address_type | The type of the address. See the list of address types. |
zip_type | For U.S. addresses, the type of zip code. See the list of zip types. |
error | If there is a problem processing the request, this will contain a string that describes the error. See the list of errors. |
duration | A floating point value of the number of seconds the server took to process the request. |
Address Lists of Values
Address status
Every postal address verification response will include one of the status
values below:
Status | Description |
valid | The postal address is deliverable. |
probably_valid | There are characteristics about the address that may cause delivery issues, but it is mostly likely deliverable. |
possibly_valid | There are multiple or more serious factors that could cause delivery to the address to fail, but the address is still valid. |
invalid | The address is not deliverable by the U.S.P.S. |
Address Reasons
The reason
field will always be present in the response and describes the primary reason for the verification status. In the table below is our full list of address verification reasons, which status
value it corresponds to and their descriptions.
Status | Reason | Description |
valid | deliverable | Input is or was converted to a valid postal address. |
probably_valid | missing_secondary | Address is DPV confirmed for the primary address only, and secondary number information, such as suite or apartment number, was missing. |
probably_valid | invalid_secondary | Address is DPV confirmed for the primary address only, and secondary number information, such as suite or apartment number, was present but unconfirmed. |
probably_valid | usps_only | Address is DPV confirmed for an address that can only be serviced by the USPS, such as a P.O. Box or military address. |
probably_valid | pbsa | Address is a DPV confirmed P.O. Box Street-Style Address. |
probably_valid | cmra | Address is a DPV confirmed Commercial Mail Receiving Agency, such as a Mail Boxes, Etc. These addresses have higher turnover, and it is less likely for mail to be returned if the addressee no longer uses the CMRA. |
probably_valid | vacant | Address is DPV confirmed, but is currently vacant (in most cases, unoccupied over 90 days) and not receiving delivery. Future mail may be received. |
possibly_valid | missing_secondary | Address is DPV confirmed for the primary address only, and secondary number information, such as suite or apartment number, was missing. See the “flags” field for additional reasons the address may not be deliverable. |
possibly_valid | invalid_secondary | Address is DPV confirmed for the primary address only, and secondary number information, such as suite or apartment number, was present but unconfirmed. See the “flags” field for additional reasons the address may not be deliverable. |
possibly_valid | maildrop_or_inactive | Address is DPV confirmed but does not receive direct delivery because a) customer receives mail as a part of a drop; b) delivery has not been established; or c) the address is no longer a possible delivery because the carrier destroys or returns all of the mail. Some buildings, such as Xverify’s New York office, and multi-tenant residences receive mail as a drop. Therefore the post office does not have statistics on final delivery to the addressee, and it is less likely for mail to be returned if the addressee is no longer there. |
possibly_valid | unique_zip | The zip code is assigned to a large organization or agency, and mail to that zip is routed by that organization. For unique zips, no validation is done on the street, city or state and it is very easy for bogus information to be entered. For example, 12345 is a unique zip and an address of NOT HERE, HEY, NY 12345 would be accepted. |
possibly_valid | military_zip | Address is DPV confirmed for a military zip code. Final delivery to the addressee will done by the military installation, and it is less likely for mail to be returned if the addressee no longer resides there. |
possibly_valid | general_delivery | General Delivery is a mail service for those without a permanent address, often used as a temporary mailing address. Mail is held for the recipient for at most 30 days. |
possibly_valid | missing_pmb | Address is for a CMRA (see above) but the Private Mail Box (PMB) number is missing, which makes delivery less likely. |
possibly_valid | not_accessible | Address is DPV confirmed, but the USPS has flagged it as a place where carriers cannot physically access a building or door for mail delivery. Mail may not be delivered. |
invalid | invalid_zip | The address could not be verified at the postal code level. |
invalid | invalid_street | The street name could not be matched. |
invalid | invalid_location | This address is not deliverable. |
invalid | invalid_data | Minimum requirements for the address to be verified are not met. Check the content and formatting of the address. |
invalid | invalid_primary | The house or building number for the address is not valid. |
invalid | missing_primary | The house or building number is missing. |
invalid | invalid_box | The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is invalid. |
invalid | missing_box | The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is missing. |
invalid | multiple_match | The address was matched to multiple records and there was not enough information to find a unique match. |
invalid | ews_match | This address currently cannot be verified but was identified by the Early Warning System (EWS) as belonging to a upcoming area and may be deliverable in the future. |
invalid | invalid_country | The address is for a country not-supported by this service. |
invalid | non_usps | This US address is not serviced by the USPS, and a Plus4 could not be assigned, but it is possible that it may receive mail through third party carriers like UPS. |
unknown | no_result | A conclusive result could not be determined. |
Address flags
The flags
field is an array that may be populated with additional information about the address that may affect delivery.
If a flag is a primary concern, it will appear in the reason field.
flag | Description |
cmra | Address is a DPV confirmed Commercial Mail Receiving Agency, such as a Mail Boxes, Etc. These addresses have higher turnover, and it is less likely for mail to be returned if the addressee no longer uses the CMRA. |
pbsa | The address is P.O. Box using a Street-Style Address. |
lacs_update | The address has been converted by LACSLink® from a rural-style address to a city-style address. |
maildrop_or_inactive | Address does not receive direct delivery because a) customer receives mail as a part of a drop; b) delivery has not been established; or c) the address is no longer a possible delivery because the carrier destroys or returns all of the mail. Some buildings, such as Xverify’s New York office, and multi-tenant residences receive mail as a drop. Therefore the post office does not have statistics on final delivery to the addressee, and it is less likely for mail to be returned if the addressee is no longer there. |
usps_only | The address can only be serviced by the USPS, such as a P.O. Box or military address. |
vacant | Address is currently vacant (in most cases, unoccupied over 90 days) and not receiving delivery. Future mail may be received. |
extra_text | Extraneous information not used in verifying the address was found. This includes unnecessary sub premises and other unrecognized data. If you use the “parsed=true” parameter, this additional information will either be placed into the secondary or extra_text output fields. |
Address types
The address_type
field will be populated if the type of address has been categorized. The table below shows the full list of address types.
address_type values for U.S. addresses:
- Alias
- Firm
- General Delivery
- Highrise
- PO Box
- Rural Route
- Street
address_type values for Canadian addresses:
- Street
- Street Served by Route and GD
- Lock Box
- Route Service
- General Delivery
- LVR Street
- Government Street
- LVR Lock Box
- Government Lock Box
- LVR General Delivery
- Building
Zip types
The zip_type
field will be populated if the input is a U.S. address, and the type of zip code has been categorized. Possible values are:
- PO Box
- Unique
- Military
- Standard
Error values
The error
field will be populated if there is an error processing the request. These are string representations of the HTTP error codes below. Possible values are:
Error | Description |
invalid_api_key | The api_key provided is invalid. |
inactive_service | Your api_key is not enabled for the service you are trying to use. For example, calling the address verification service when you are only setup for email verification. |
missing_param | A required parameter is missing from your request. |
limit_exceeded | Your API limit is exceeded. Please add funds or contact your account representative. |
HTTP Status Codes
Xverify uses HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Codes in the 2##
rage indicate success, and any other values indicate an error. If there is an error, the body of the resposne will indicate the type of error. The API may return the following HTTP Status Codes in the table below.
Code | Description |
200 | Request OK. |
400 | Bad request. A parameter was missing or has an invalid value. |
401 | Unauthorized. Either the api_key was missing or invalid, or you are trying to use a service you are not configured for. |
403 | Forbidden. Your query limit has been exceeded. |
500 | Internal server error. Please contact support. |
502 | Bad gateway. The API is not available. Please try again later or contact support. |
Combined API Call - Introduction
Xverify's can verify an email address, phone number and a postal address in a single API call.
Combined API Endpoint
Combined API Endpoint
The endpoint to verify an email address, phone number and a postal address together is in the right column.
Combined Query Parameters
The combined API endpoint accepts both Email Verification query parameters, Phone Verification query parameters and Address Verification query parameters. Please see the documentation of those respective APIs.
The combined endpoint can be used to validate just an email address, just a phone number or just a postal address as well. Just use the parameters of the data you are trying to verify.
Combined API Example
Combined API Sample Query
Replace 1011111-B6DBE13C with your API key and with the name of the domain you've registered with Xverify.
A combined verification example query is in the right column.
Combined Response Overview
"email": {
"email": "",
"status": "valid",
"reason": "verified",
"domain_type": "",
"correction": "",
"message": "Email is verified",
"role_account": true
"phone": {
"phone": "6467421771",
"extension": "",
"status": "valid",
"reason": "verified",
"phone_type": "Landline",
"use_type": "Residential",
"time_zone": "America/New_York",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US",
"latitude": 40.743801,
"longitude": -73.977699,
"error": "",
"duration": 0.0775
"address": {
"address1": "350 N Orleans St Ste 9000N",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "60654",
"plus4": "1701",
"status": "valid",
"reason": "deliverable",
"carrier_route": "C002",
"delivery_point": "244",
"address_type": "Highrise",
"zip_type": "Standard",
"corrected": false,
"flags": [],
"country": "US"
The API response for combined email + phone + postal requests will be in JSON as shown in the example in the right column.
The response will contain an "email" section, if an email address was included in the query. The contents of this section will be the same as the email verification response.
The response will contain a "phone" section, if a phone number was included in the query. The contents of this section will be the same as the phone verification response.
The response will contain an "address" section, if a postal address was included in the query. The contents of this section will be the same as the address verification response.